LCHS 7/8 Clubs
Builders Club
Community Service Club in conjunction with the Kiwanis Club of LC - by application only
When: Homeroom
Where: 108
Advisor: Mr. Shade
California Junior Scholarship Federation-by application only, must renew each semester
When: Quarterly Meetings
Where: Auditorium
Advisor: Ms. Dalbeck and Mr. Kim
Chess Club
Play and learn the game of Chess
When: Tuesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 102
Advisor: Mrs. Werner
7/8 Colorguard
Learn and practice the skills of High School Colorguard
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30-4:30
Where: Room 105 or Front of School
Advisor: Mr. Stone
Crafts Club
Use old items from home to make interesting Arts & Crafts
When: Wednesdays 3:15-3:45
Where: IRC
Advisor: Mrs. Murr-Pinsker
D & D Club
Play Dungeons & Dragons
When: Thursdays 3:15 - 4:20
Where: Room 733
Advisor: Ms. Middleton
Debate Club
Debate important topics like “does pepperoni belong on pizza”?
When: Wednesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 734
Advisor: Mrs. Salardino
7/8 First Lego League (LC Engineering Blockheads)
A Lego Robotics competition team- Registration required
When: After School, M-F (depending on team) 3:30-5:30
Where: Room 604
Advisor: Brent Beaty
7/8 GATE Club
Must be an identified GATE learner to join
When: 3:30 - 4:30 on Weds (7th grade) and Thurs (8th grade)
Where: Room 603
Advisor: Ms. Banta
7/8 GSA
Genders & Sexualities Alliance
When: Tuesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 731
Advisor: Ms. Johansen
Intramural Sports
Play recreational Soccer, Football, Basketball, and Volleyball
When: During Homeroom
Where: Athletic/PE Areas
Advisors: Coaches Sandoval and Valadez
Military History Club
Learn about the US Military, past and present
When: Tuesdays after School
Where: Room 733
Advisors: Mrs. Middleton
Mountain Biking Club
A competition team for 9-12, 7/8, and 6th
When: 2 weekday + 1 weekend practice
Where: LCHS front Marquee
Advisor: Outside Group - contact counselor
Next Generation Advocates
A chapter of the Civic Youth Council
When: Tuesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 732
Advisor: Mrs. Wolfe
Rubiks’ Cube Club
Practice Rubik’s Cube-solving skills
When: Tuesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 725
Advisor: Mrs. Wright
Science Olympiad
A Science competition team, meetings may increase prior to competition season
When: Mondays 3:30-4:30
Advisor: Ms. Smith
Where: Room 102
Scratch Coding Club
Learn and build on your coding skills
When: Mondays After School
Advisor: Ms. Murr-Pinsker
Where: IRC
Sit With Us At Lunch
Inclusive lunch groups with friends,food, games, and music
When: Tuesdays @ Lunch
Where: Outside Room 603
Advisor: Mrs. Saks
Space Club
Learn about and discuss all things Space-related
When: Fridays @ Lunch
Where: IRC
Advisor: Mrs. Murr-Pinsker
Spanish Club
Learn about Spanish Culture and Language
When: Monthly @ Lunch
Where: Room 112
Advisor: Sra. Berver
Spartan Vanguard (7-12)
A Math Problem Solving & Competition Club
When: Wednesdays 3:30- 4:30
Where: Room 734
Advisor: Ms. Mascheroni
Tennis Club
Play for fun and improve skills
When: Wednesdays @ Lunch
Where: LCHS Tennis Courts
Advisor: Mrs. Werner & Mr. Kim
Writers’ Club
Write stories, poems, and discuss famous literature
When: Wednesdays @ Lunch
Where: Room 732
Advisor: Mrs. Wolfe