1. Student’s legal name (spell), grade, and student ID number
2. Your name
3. Your relationship to the student
4. Date of and reason for the absence
Note: A parent/guardian call or the provision of a note will not automatically excuse an absence. It verifies the student’s whereabouts. An absence is considered excused based on Ed Code.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she must report to the Health Office. The Health Clerk will contact the student's parent who will determine if the student should leave campus. The student will receive a “Permit to Leave School Grounds” slip if the student is to leave campus due to this illness. Students may not leave for illness during the school day without first obtaining a "Permit to Leave School Grounds" from the Health Office.
Leaving the School During the Day
If a student must leave campus during the school day for any reason, the student needs to bring a written note IN ADVANCE to the Attendance Office prior to the start of the school day. The note should include:
1. Student’s legal name (no nicknames, please), grade, and student ID number
2. Date and time student needs to leave campus
3. Reason for leaving campus
4. Whether student will return to school that day
5. Parent’s name, signature and best phone number
The student must pick up a “Permit to Leave School Grounds” slip at break time.
LCHS believes regular attendance is vital to a student’s success in school. There is a strong correlation between student achievement and attendance. The student’s job is not merely to acquire knowledge for him/herself, but to contribute to the learning community by sharing ideas, perspectives and values with others. Poor attendance prevents the student from being an active member of the learning process.
Absenteeism is a new measure by the state and federal government of school accountability. Districts and schools are required to report absentee rates and this measure will be one used to evaluate the quality of education provided across the state. Students who miss more than 10% of days enrolled for any reason are considered chronic absentees.